Our sustainable procurement policy

Transdev contributes to the vitality of local areas as an economic player and through its supplier relationships. The launch of the Group's Sustainable Procurement Policy, in place since 2019, promotes purchasing practices that minimize environmental impacts, promote the inclusion of people far from employment while respecting ethical principles and human rights.

Beyond the purchase and supply of goods and services, our goal is to maintain a lasting relationship with our suppliers based on our major commitments:

  • make our suppliers and subcontractors aware of the sustainable approach;
  • ensure that they are committed to following our ethical principles;
  • take into account their commitment to sustainable trade;
  • assess the relationship with our suppliers;
  • monitor the implementation of our policy within the countries of the Group.

Our Sustainable Procurement policy includes the Transdev Supplier Charter based on the Code of Conduct that suppliers sign for any contract exceeding 100,000 euros. It defines the scope of the collaboration, regardless of the country or area of expertise, and sets out the standards to be followed in terms of ethics and sustainable development. By adhering to it, suppliers undertake to respect the Group’s expectations in these areas. It is intended to reflect our various policies in terms of ethics, compliance, human rights, labor, the environment, the fight against corruption, money laundering, the financing of terrorism, etc. It aims to encourage suppliers to follow these principles when working with Transdev.

Since 2021, this approach has been integrated into the quarterly purchasing reviews with the members of the Group’s Executive Committee, and its geographical scope has been extended.

In France, the Sustainable Procurement policy validated by the Management Committee is based on the following three axes: environmental, societal and ethics and compliance. The implementation of this policy includes the integration of CSR criteria in the selection and evaluation of suppliers.

Societal axis

On the societal front, the French Procurement Department is supporting local areas with access to a platform for establishing relationships with suppliers in the protected sector, the creation of an inclusive procurement dashboard that measures spending with actors in the inclusive sector* at the level of each network, and contractualization with national actors in the field of inclusion. As an active member of the Collective for a More Inclusive Economy, Transdev is strongly committed to continuing this dynamic through its involvement in the Inclusive Procurement working group.

Environmental axis

On the environmental front, Transdev is a trusted advisor on energy transition and a recognized expert in environmental strategy for mobility. The Procurement Department supports the ecological and energy transition through the selection of key partners for electric buses and coaches, green electricity, bio-NGV, gas and electricity recharging infrastructures, bicycles, etc. In charge of managing the fleet of light vehicles, it supports and implements the greening of our fleet of service and company vehicles. Finally, the Procurement Department is engaging its suppliers in the measurement and reduction of their own greenhouse gas emissions (vision scope 3 project).

Un homme charge un bus à hydrogène Connexxion à la pompe à hydrogène

Ethics and compliance axis

In terms of ethics and compliance, supplier qualification systems aim to ensure that major suppliers comply with common principles concerning:

  • Fight against corruption and influence peddling, the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism
  • Protection of Fundamental Human Rights
  • Data privacy, anti-trust
  • Protection of the environment and biodiversity
  • Health and safety

In addition to these requirements, which are valid in all countries where Transdev operates, local regulatory compliance (in France: SAPIN II law, law on the duty of care, etc.) and the legal compliance of suppliers is monitored through the proper application of the regulatory purchasing processes.


TRANSDEV is a signatory of the Charter for Sustainable Procurement and Supplier Relations (http://www.rfar.fr/), which aims to encourage companies and public bodies to adopt sustainable practices with regard to their suppliers, by making all economic players aware of the challenges inherent in sustainable purchasing and the quality of customer-supplier relations.

la Charte relations Fournisseurs et Achats Responsables

This is reflected in the following commitments:

  • Ensure a responsible financial relationship with suppliers
  • Maintain a respectful relationship with all suppliers, favoring the development of collaborative relationships
  • Identify and manage reciprocal dependencies with suppliers
  • Involve the signatory organizations in their sector
  • Appreciate all life cycle costs and impacts
  • Integrate environmental and social responsibility issues
  • Ensure the responsibility of its organization to local areas
  • The professionalism and ethics of the procurement function
  • A procurement function responsible for the overall management of supplier relations
  • A “supplier relations” mediator, in charge of smoothing internal and external relations within the company

*Disability / Integration / SSE / Rural areas to be revitalized / Priority urban neighborhoods